Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One of those days

Today Aly put a bead to her ear, to pretend it was an earring, and it "just flicked" in.  I asked to see in her ear, she said I would need a flashlight.  I did.  The bead was lodged out of sight.  Her mom picked her up and took her to the doctor.  She is one of my most mature students, it just goes to show you never know what an 8 year old will do.  Then Cody changed the words  "Duck,Duck, Goose" to "Duck, Duck, Toilet Paper".  The kids thought it was hilarious.  He is not one of my more mature 8 year olds.  Josh did not take his pills this morning.  He was too busy and forgot.  I bet he was busy.  He never stopped moving all day.  I had to put him in the hall because he couldn't stop singing at the top of his voice.  I told him he could sing all he wanted in the hall, but then the other classes were bothered...I tried to quiet him down, but it didn't work.  He sang until lunch. Tristen couldn't concentrate during reading because he used hand sanitizer on his hands and he didn't like the way they smelled.  Like stinky cheese.  He washed them with soap.  No good.  I gave him pretty smelling lotion.  (And everyone else in the reading group) Only worked for awhile.  He fussed about the way his hands smelled all day.  When he lay on the floor, we just stepped over him.  3:17 finally came, and they all went home.  Tomorrow is another day...I hope


Anonymous said...

I am trying once again to leave a comment. This time I am signed in.

April said...

"Just flicked in", it,...I'm going to have to use that one myself!