Friday, March 27, 2009

I got a letter in the mail today.  When I saw the sender, my heart started pounding and my hands started was from Superior Court of California, County of Kern.  They've changed their mind and are hauling me off to jail for my indiscretion...nope, actually they are thanking me for my recent 'unprecedented' service as a juror.  I am sure they are referring to the length of service, not my early dismissal...And as a bonus prize, I don't have to serve on a jury for the next 3 years.  I have been excused through March 2012.  Isn't that nice?


Anonymous said...

For the length of time you all served you should be excused for life plus 1

Birgita said...

By "unprecedented", they must mean "first juror to be kicked off due to excessive blogging"

CarGate said...

Couldn't they have sent you something useful like a gift card to the movies??