Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hawaii part 2: Polynesian Culture Center and Luau

The Lizard's eye rock

Susie's cute baby bump

Playing games: spinning nut tops

Father/daughter pic

coconut tree

We wove palm fronds to make these cute fishies

Oh, yes, making fire without a match!

Playing with spinning sticks

Watching the kids play
MMM. Hawaiian barbeque.  Chicken long rice.
We had passed on the Polynesian Culture Center when we brought the kids to Hawaii.  It was expensive and we had limited time to see and do all that we wanted to.  But this time, The Best Tourguides Evah (hereafter referred to as TBTE) found great discounted tickets through their military connections and it seemed a good way to do the luau thing.  So we set off to the other side of the island, stopping at beaches and parks along the way to "take pictures" ( otherwise known as "stop to pee").  We had been warned to eat before going inside, so decided this would be a good time to experience the local cuisine, the Hawaiian barbeque fast food chain called L&L.  I had Aloha chicken long rice.  This was a bowl of translucent noodles in broth with strips of spam, chunks of chicken and a fried egg plopped on top.  Not bad and very filling.  The PCC was a very wholesome day of family oriented activities and dwellings from all over Polynesia.  "OK, family, watch this, family.  Family, do you like poi,family? Family would you like to try this,family?" I thought at first that punctuating their sentences with the word,"family" was a Fijian trait, but all the employees, who were students at the nearby BYU campus, did the same thing, so I think it must be a Mormon encouraged instruction.  It was a fun day, ending with a luau buffet of not very impressive Hawaiian food.  BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE...!  After dinner we went to a huge theater to watch the Fire Dance show...and that was worth the price of admission.  No pictures allowed...so you will just have to take my word for it that the music and dancing was fantastic.  TBTE then drove us sleepy people home to enjoy a good night's sleep after another day in paradise.

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