Sunday, May 1, 2011

May Day

It's a beautifully clear May Day today...still windy, but lovely sunshine and lilacs.  I wanted to put a picture on here of a Maypole Dance we stumbled on in Kensington Gardens when we were in London with Mom and Ray, but the picture is on the other computer and I can't figure out an easy way to move it to this computer.  So you will just have to picture it...warm summer day in the park, we hear fiddle music and come across a folk music festival in a lovely glade ("glade" is a word you only use when you are writing about England.  Or fairies.) and off to the side there is a Maypole set up and children and adults are following the complicated directions of the "caller" (like in square dancing) to twine the ribbons around the pole.  It was lovely.  I know, that is the third time I have used the lovely in this paragraph, but it was.  And I like the word.


Sheila said...

That was a LOVELY post! Hope to see you tomorrow...

mom said...

I loved that May Pole dance.Mom