Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fussen and Neuschwanstein

Hurdy gurdy man on the path to the Marienbrucke.  He sang Shenandoah when he realized I was American.  I love Shenandoah...

View of the beautiful countryside from the castle

The quintessential fairy tale castle, just like Sleeping Beauty's,  taken from the Marienbrucke.   There were hundreds of American tourists pushing their way on to the bridge so I just put my camera up and took a picture.  This is what I got!  Lucky I didn't end up in the ravine below.

The first order of business when we arrived in Fussen, the charming town where we caught the bus to Neuschwanstein, was to play in the fountain...the blocks on top of the pillars rotate freely from the pressure of the water.  On a hot German day, wet feels good!  Here are Jay, Kristen and Jaclyn.
The cute shopping street in Fussen with the castle on the hill behind.

Our first view of the castle

There was a long crowded line for the shuttle that takes you up the hill to the castle, so Scott and I, Tim and Kristen decided to walk up.  It is a steep but very pretty hike through the forest, we followed the road taken by the horse drawn carriages so we had to watch where we put our feet!

This is another castle that is down below the famous Neuschwanstein.


Anonymous said...

all pictures great but the one of the castle soooo good. Bravo

Becky in Hungary said...

We're doing research for a trip we're planning there. Thanks for posting the pictures. They're beautiful!