Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tigger or Eeyore?

The last day of 2011.  Good.  Really what I want to do is sit on the couch all day wrapped in a blanket, with a cup of tea and an absorbing book.  But, actually, that's what I want to do every day.  We have been invited to Mary's in the afternoon, and then to see Robert Downey in the new Sherlock Holmes and then to Jay and Donnette's for a glass of wine, and so that is what we will probably do.  And, we will have fun.  I do not want to think back on the year that has passed, I want to wipe it from my memory!  I don't really want to look forward, I don't want to know what is in store for us.  I will just be happy for today.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


As usual, we bought  the kids pencils with their names on them.  This morning, I stopped them at the door to the classroom and told them that the Elves had come during the night and left a present for them on their desks.  Not one child accused me of being the "Elf"  but over and over this morning, children asked me how the Elves knew their names...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

christmas card

No amount of joy will balance out the burden of sorrow this Christmas
Nor any amount of water wash away the layer of grief and sadness
This will be the year that changed us all
Not stronger for the grief
The muscles of mourning help only to carry on to the end
Not to make lighter the weight